How to choose the Fastest Orbeez Gun - brief overview

How We Determine the Fastest Orbeez Guns: Analyzing FPS, Rate of Fire, Range in Feet, Hopper Capacity, and Battery Capacity

How to choose the Fastest Orbeez gun
Different Orbeez gun images

What's an Orbeez gun? 

An Orbeez gun, refers to a toy blaster that shoots Orbeez or gel balls at high velocities. 

The speed of an Orbeez gun is typically measured in FPS (feet per second) and determines how fast the gel balls are propelled. 

The faster the FPS, the greater the speed and impact of the gel balls when they hit their target. 

Orbeez guns with higher FPS ratings offer enhanced performance, allowing for long-range shots and more thrilling gameplay experiences. 

These guns are designed to provide exciting and fast-paced fun for users, combining speed, accuracy, and the unique sensory experience of shooting Orbeez or gel balls.

When it comes to selecting the fastest Orbeez guns, several essential factors come into play. 

To assist you in making an informed decision, we meticulously evaluate key specifications such as FPS (Feet Per Second), rate of fire, range in feet, hopper capacity, and battery capacity

By considering these crucial features, we can identify the top performers in terms of speed and performance. 

In this article, we will delve into the process we employ to determine the fastest Orbeez guns, helping you find the ideal option for your thrilling adventures.

What is the fastest Orbeez gun? 

The fastest Orbeez guns is an Orbeez gun with a good FPS (feet per second), highest rate of fire, longest range in feet, biggest hopper capacity and highest battery capacity. 

Curious to know exactly what the fastest Orbeez gun is. On our list of the top 7 fastest Orbeez gun
  • Starfire XL Orbeez Gun – Fastest Gun With Best Range & Speed,. 
  • While the second is the SplatRball SRB1200 Full Auto Orbeez gun. 


Features we look for in the fastest Orbeez gun. 

FPS (Feet Per Second)

FPS is a critical factor in determining the speed and power of an Orbeez gun. It measures how fast the gellets are propelled when fired. 

Through rigorous testing and analysis, we compare the FPS ratings of various models to identify those with exceptional speed and power. 

Guns with higher FPS values can launch the gellets with greater velocity, resulting in longer shooting distances and improved accuracy. 

We look for models that offer impressive FPS ratings, ensuring an exhilarating and impactful shooting experience.

Rate of Fire

The rate of fire refers to how quickly the Orbeez gun can fire gellets in a given time frame. 

A higher rate of fire allows for more rapid and continuous shooting, providing a significant advantage during intense battles. 

We thoroughly examine the rate of fire to determine the guns that offer impressive firing capabilities. 

Guns with a high rate of fire can unleash a barrage of gellets, increasing your chances of hitting targets and dominating the field.

Discover: 7 reasons why your Orbeez gun is not working (try these 7 fixes). 

Range in Feet

The range specification represents the maximum distance the Orbeez gun can accurately shoot. 

Guns with an extended range offer increased versatility and the ability to engage targets from a distance. 

By evaluating the range in feet, we identify the guns that excel in long-distance shooting. 

A longer range allows you to hit targets that are farther away, giving you a strategic advantage and the ability to take down opponents from a safe distance.

Hopper Capacity

The hopper capacity refers to the number of Orbeez gellets that can be loaded into the gun at a time. 

A larger hopper capacity allows for prolonged play without the need for frequent reloading. 

We assess the hopper capacity to highlight guns that offer generous ammunition storage. 

Guns with a high hopper capacity enable extended gameplay sessions, reducing interruptions and keeping you in the action for longer periods.

Battery Capacity

Battery capacity plays a vital role in determining the gun's performance and endurance. 

Guns equipped with high-capacity batteries ensure extended playtime and consistent power output. 

We consider the battery capacity to identify guns that provide long-lasting and reliable performance. 

Models with ample battery capacity offer the advantage of sustained shooting without the need for frequent recharging, allowing you to stay in the game and maximize your enjoyment.


By evaluating these key factors, including FPS, rate of fire, range in feet, hopper capacity, and battery capacity, we conduct comprehensive analyses to determine the fastest Orbeez guns. 

Our goal is to provide you with accurate and valuable insights, enabling you to make an informed decision and select the ideal Orbeez gun that aligns with your preferences and gameplay style. 

With our expertise and research, you can embark on thrilling adventures and experience the excitement of the fastest Orbeez guns available in the market.

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