Do Orbeez Guns Hurt? No, I dont think so

 If you are familiar with orbeez guns, then you will agree with me that they are cool toys for both young and old. 

You can shoot these soft and squishy orbeez balls at your friends, siblings, or even your parents! But have you ever wondered if Orbeez guns hurt? 

In this article, we'll talk about what Orbeez guns are, whether they can cause pain or injury, and some basic safety guidelines to follow while playing with them.

Do Orbeez guns hurt? The quick answer is No. I have been using Orbeez guns for a while now and I must say it doesn't hurt. They are not designed to hurt people. However, they can cause slight pain if shot at close range, and irritation due to the splash of the water from the water beads burst

Nevertheless, for safety purposes, I do is advice that you take proper precautions while using it, especially for kids.

And if you're thinking of the speed or how fast an Orbeez gun is, it still won't hurt. Infact, our top 5 fastest Orbeez gun doesn't. 

What are Orbeez guns?

Orbeez guns are toys that shoot small, soft, gel-like pellets that are made from a special kind of polymer. When soaked in water, these tiny beads absorb the water and grow into colorful, bouncy, and squishy balls.

Orbeez guns are designed to shoot these soft pellets at a low speed, making them safe to use around people and pets.

There are different types of Orbeez guns available in the market, ranging from handheld pistols to machine guns. Some Orbeez guns are battery-powered, while others require manual operation. 

They come in different colors and sizes, so you can choose one that suits your style.

Care to know more about Orbeez guns, I have done a brief overview of this beautiful playful thing. Here's everything you need to know about Orbeez guns

Do Orbeez guns hurt?

The good news is, Orbeez guns are generally not painful. The water beads are soft and squishy, and they are designed to break apart on impact. This means that even if you get hit by an Orbeez pellet, it won't hurt as much as a regular bullet or a paintball. 

However, as with any toy, there are potential risks associated with using Orbeez guns.

Firstly, if you shoot Orbeez balls at someone's face, it could potentially cause eye injuries or other facial injuries. That's why it's important to avoid shooting Orbeez guns directly at someone's face or eyes. 

Secondly, if you shoot Orbeez beads at someone from a very close range, it could potentially scratch or bruise the skin. To avoid this, make sure to maintain a safe distance while playing with Orbeez guns.

Lastly, if you shoot Orbeez pellets at someone with too much force or in large numbers, it could potentially cause pain or discomfort. 

That's why it's important to use Orbeez guns responsibly and not to shoot at someone who doesn't want to be shot at. Remember, Orbeez guns are toys, not weapons!

Discover: recent videos on TikTok show marks of hurt from epic orby gun battle on kids. If Orbeez gun hurts them indeed as they claim, then I guess the orby gun with the highest impact may like be used. Although I still disagree to some extent. 

Safety Tips for Using Orbeez Guns

To make sure you and your friends stay safe while playing with Orbeez guns, it's important to follow some basic safety guidelines. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Wear eye protection: Whenever you're playing with Orbeez guns, make sure to wear eye protection, such as safety goggles or glasses. This will protect your eyes from potential injuries and make sure you can keep playing safely.

Avoid shooting at people's faces or eyes: As we mentioned earlier, shooting Orbeez pellets at someone's face or eyes could potentially cause serious injuries. That's why it's important to avoid shooting Orbeez guns directly at someone's face or eyes.

Be mindful of the distance: When playing with Orbeez guns, make sure to maintain a safe distance from other people or pets. This will help prevent potential injuries and make sure everyone stays safe.

Supervise children: If you're playing with Orbeez guns with younger children, make sure to supervise them at all times. This will help ensure that they use the guns responsibly and don't accidentally hurt themselves or others.

Are Orbeez guns safe for children to play with?

Orbeez guns are safe for children to play with when used responsibly and under adult supervision. As with any toy, it's important to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully and follow basic safety guidelines. 

Children should be instructed not to shoot Orbeez pellets at people's faces or from a very close range, and to avoid shooting them at fragile or valuable objects. 

Additionally, it's important to keep Orbeez guns and pellets out of reach of young children who may be tempted to put them in their mouths or swallow them. 

With proper supervision and instruction, Orbeez guns can be a fun and safe toy for children to play with.

Are Orbeez guns safe to use around cars?

Orbeez guns are generally safe to use around cars and are not powerful enough to cause significant damage to a car's body. The only potential risk is that they may damage the car's paint job if shot at it with enough force or in large numbers. 

Orbeez guns are not designed to dent a car or break car windows, but if used at very close range, they could potentially scratch the surface or affect the paint job. 

The risk of Orbeez guns damaging a car's paint job is low, but it is still recommended to use caution when using these toys near vehicles. 

Basic safety guidelines include avoiding shooting Orbeez guns directly at the car, being mindful of the distance between the toy and the vehicle, and supervising children while they are playing with Orbeez guns.


In conclusion, Orbeez guns are fun toys that can provide hours of entertainment for kids and adults alike. While they are generally safe to use and not painful, there are potential risks associated with using them irresponsibly. 

By following basic safety guidelines and using Orbeez guns responsibly, you can ensure that you and your friends stay safe while playing with them. 

So go ahead, load up your Orbeez guns, and have a blast!


Can Orbeez guns cause injuries?

While Orbeez guns are generally not painful, there is a potential risk of injury if they are not used responsibly. Shooting Orbeez pellets at someone's face or from a very close range could potentially cause eye injuries, facial injuries, or skin abrasions. It's important to use Orbeez guns responsibly and follow basic safety guidelines to avoid potential injuries.

Can Orbeez guns break windows or damage furniture?

No, Orbeez guns are not designed to break windows or damage furniture. They shoot soft and squishy pellets that are not powerful enough to cause significant damage to objects. However, as with any toy, it's important to use Orbeez guns responsibly and avoid shooting them at fragile or valuable objects.

Can Orbeez pellets cause allergies or irritation?

Orbeez pellets are made from a non-toxic, biodegradable material that is safe for most people to handle. However, some individuals may be allergic or sensitive to the material, which could cause skin irritation or other allergic reactions. It's always a good idea to test a small patch of skin before using Orbeez guns extensively.

How do you clean up Orbeez pellets?

Orbeez pellets are designed to be easy to clean up. If they are spilled on the floor, simply sweep them up and dispose of them in the trash. If they are stuck to furniture or other surfaces, you can use a damp cloth to wipe them away. It's important to avoid letting Orbeez pellets sit in water for extended periods of time, as they can become slippery and pose a slipping hazard.

Are there any age restrictions for using Orbeez guns?

Most Orbeez guns are designed for use by children ages 8 and up. However, it's important to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully and supervise children while they are using the toys. Younger children should be supervised closely and may need assistance with loading and firing the Orbeez gun.

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