Do Gel Balls Dissolve on Impact?

Do Gel Balls or Orbeez Balls Dissolve?

 Have you ever wondered if gel balls dissolve on impact? This is a question that many gel ball enthusiasts and parents alike have asked. 

Gel ball guns, also known as gel blasters, have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in Australia. 

These guns shoot small, gelatinous balls that are made from water-absorbing polymers. But what happens to these gel balls when they hit something?

Well, the short answer is yes, gel balls do dissolve on impact. However, there are a few factors that can affect how quickly they dissolve and how much damage they can cause. 

Let's dive into the details. 

Note: based on what I have seen so far while handling gel balls, gel balls don't really dissolve on impact (though the impact can lead to its dissolution), they rather burst, splashing out the water they have absolved. So, I think it is better to use the word burst rather than dissolve on impact.

Discover: Can Orbeez gun damage a car? - I don't think so. That's based on my experience though.


How do gel balls work?

Before we get into the details of how gel balls dissolve, let's first understand how they work. Gel balls are made from a type of polymer that can absorb a lot of water. 

When they are placed in water, they can absorb up to 400 times their weight in water and swell up to several times their original size. This creates a small, soft ball that can be shot from a gel ball gun.

When the gel ball is shot from the gun, it travels through the air until it hits something. The impact causes the ball to burst, releasing the water inside. 

This creates a small splatter that feels similar to being hit with a paintball. However, unlike paintballs, gel balls don't leave a permanent mark and are completely biodegradable.

Factors that affect gel ball dissolution

Now that we understand how gel balls work, let's talk about the factors that can affect how quickly they dissolve. The two main factors are temperature and impact force.

Temperature: Gel balls dissolve faster in warmer water. This means that if you're playing in hot weather, your gel balls will dissolve faster than if you're playing in cold weather. Additionally, if you soak your gel balls in warm water before use, they will be more likely to dissolve quickly.

Impact force: The harder the impact, the faster the gel ball will dissolve. This means that if you're shooting at a hard surface, like concrete or metal, your gel balls will dissolve faster than if you're shooting at a softer surface, like grass or dirt. 

Additionally, if you shoot someone at close range, the impact force will be greater, causing the gel ball to dissolve faster.

Can gel balls cause damage?

While gel balls are designed to be safe and biodegradable, they can still cause damage under certain circumstances. If you shoot someone at close range, the impact can cause bruising or welts. 

Additionally, if you shoot someone in the eye, it can cause serious injury. This is why it's important to always wear eye protection when playing with gel ball guns.

Furthermore, if you shoot at a hard surface, the gel ball can shatter and create small fragments that can cause eye or skin irritation. This is why it's important to always play in a safe location and avoid shooting at hard surfaces.


In conclusion, gel balls do dissolve on impact. However, the speed of dissolution and the damage they can cause depends on factors such as temperature, impact force, and surface hardness. 

While gel balls are designed to be safe and biodegradable, it's important to always follow proper safety protocols when using them. 

Always wear eye protection, play in a safe location, and avoid shooting at hard surfaces. Happy gel balling!


Are gel balls biodegradable?

Gel balls are made from a water-absorbing polymer material, and most varieties are considered biodegradable. However, the speed at which they break down can vary depending on the specific type of gel ball and the environmental conditions in which they are placed.

Are gel balls dangerous if ingested?

Gel balls are not intended for ingestion and can be dangerous if swallowed. If a gel ball is accidentally ingested, seek medical attention immediately. It is important to keep gel balls away from small children and pets who may mistake them for candy or other small objects.

Can gel balls be reused?

Gel balls can be reused if they are not damaged or broken. After use, gel balls can be washed and soaked in water to rehydrate them. However, it is important to note that repeated use can cause wear and tear on the gel balls, which may affect their performance.

Do gel balls leave a mess after use?

Gel balls can leave a small amount of residue after use, but this can typically be easily cleaned up with a damp cloth or paper towel. It is important to avoid letting gel balls dry out, as this can cause them to become sticky and difficult to clean.

Can gel balls damage surfaces or property upon impact?

Gel balls are designed to be soft and lightweight, and are not typically capable of causing damage to surfaces or property upon impact. However, it is important to use caution when playing with gel balls near fragile or valuable objects to avoid any potential accidents.

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