Can Orbeez Guns Break Glass?

The answer to the question of wether Orbeez guns can break a glass, damage a car or break a window is both yes and no. 

No, Orbeez guns are not made to break or cause damages to anything (be it glass, car windows etc.) with a direct shot from it. Even at a very close range or long distance. 

And Yes, a glass can be broken by an Orbeez gun if the very metal or plastic Orbeez gun is used directly to hit the glass or car window. 

That's the very reason why we always recommend that strict supervision is done most importantly when children are using it. 

Those are the two major point of consideration. 

To learn more, you can go ahead and read the post to learn more. 

Can an Orbeez Gun Break Glass? The Definitive Answer Unveiled

Curiosity often leads us to question the capabilities of various toys, and the Orbeez gun is no exception. 

The burning question on your mind: Can an Orbeez gun break glass? In this authoritative blog post, we will unravel the truth behind this inquiry and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the Orbeez gun's potential to break glass. 

How Orbeez Guns Works

An Orbeez gun operates by launching small, soft, and squishy water-absorbing beads, known as Orbeez, with the help of air pressure. 

These gel-like beads are gentle and designed to provide a fun and harmless experience, ensuring the safety of users, especially children.

The Force Factor

To assess the Orbeez gun's ability to break glass, we must consider the force it generates. 

The truth is that the typical Orbeez gun lacks the necessary force to shatter glass. 

The beads shot by the gun possess minimal hardness and velocity, making it highly improbable for them to inflict damage upon impact with glass surfaces. 

Therefore, under normal circumstances, an Orbeez gun alone cannot break glass.

Direct Impact Factor 

However, let us take a closer look at how an Orbeez gun can break a glass. 

In a rare and extreme case, if you strike glass directly with force using the bottom or any other part of the Orbeez gun, there is a potential risk of breaking the glass. 

This scenario assumes that the glass is already weakened, vulnerable, or of inferior quality. 

Keep in mind that this occurrence would be an exception rather than the norm, as glass is inherently designed to withstand various impacts.

The Orbeez Gel Projectile

To further address the question at hand, let's consider the Orbeez gel itself as a projectile. 

Shooting the Orbeez gel at a glass or car window does not pose a threat of breakage. The soft and squishy nature of the gel, coupled with the lack of force behind its launch, ensures that it is incapable of shattering glass. 

You can rest assured that shooting the Orbeez gel at glass surfaces or car windows is a safe and harmless activity.

Caution and Responsible Usage

While the aforementioned scenario exists, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of caution and responsible usage when handling an Orbeez gun near glass. 

Intentionally aiming the Orbeez gun at glass surfaces is strongly discouraged, as it increases the risk of accidents and damage. 

Always remember that glass is fragile and can be easily compromised by any forceful impact, regardless of the object used.

Can Orbeez guns break a Car Window? 

One specific concern that arises is whether an Orbeez gun can break a car window. 

It is vital to note that car windows, particularly side windows, are typically made of tempered glass. 

Tempered glass is specifically designed to withstand significant force without shattering, ensuring the safety of vehicle occupants. 

Therefore, attempting to break a car window with an Orbeez gun alone would be highly unlikely to succeed.


In conclusion, the ability of an Orbeez gun to break glass is nuanced. The standard Orbeez gun, when used as intended, lacks the force and hardness necessary to shatter glass. 

However, in rare cases where direct and forceful impact occurs, there is a potential risk of glass breakage. 

Yet, it is vital to exercise caution, handle glass with care, and avoid intentionally aiming the Orbeez gun at glass surfaces.

Rest assured, shooting the Orbeez gel at glass or car windows does not pose a threat of breakage. 

The softness and lack of force behind the Orbeez gel projectiles ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. 

Remember to always prioritize safety and responsible usage, allowing you to embrace the playful nature of the Orbeez gun without concerns about glass breakage.

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